@thesis{thesis, author={Markus Cindy Verina}, title ={PENGARUH TQM DAN SISTEM AKUNTANSI MANAJEMEN (PENGUKURAN KINERJA DAN PENGHARGAAN) TERHADAP KINERJA MANAJERIAL PERUSAHAAN JASA PENGIRIMAN DI KOTA PALEMBANG}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8047/}, abstract={This study aims to determine whether the total quality management variable, performance measurement system, and reward system have an influence on managerial performance in shipping service companies in Palembang. The population is all cargo and courier shipping companies in Palembang, while the sample is the manager of a shipping service company in Palembang with a sample of 30 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis to determine the effect of total quality management, performance measurement, respect for the company's managerial performance. The results obtained showed that the total quality management variable had a positive effect on managerial performance, while the performance measurement and award variables had no effect Keywords: total quality management, performance measurement, rewards, and managerial performance} }