@thesis{thesis, author={Febrianti Felycia Eka}, title ={PENGARUH STRATEGI MATEMATIKA BASKET TERHADAP NILAI PENGETAHUAN SISWA KELAS III SD NEGERI 42 PALEMBANG}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8285/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Basketball math strategy is a learning strategy using a game concept in mathematics by entering a ball that contains questions according to the material being discussed, namely fractions into basket in groups, the assessment is done individually. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the influence of basketball mathematical strategies on the value of material knowledge of fractions in class III Elementary School 42 Palembang. This study used true experimental design method with the form of post-test only control design experiments. The population consisted of 80 people while the sample in this study amounted to 55 people. The sampling technique used random sampling. The data collection technique used tests, documentation and interviews. The data was analyzed using inferential statistics to test the proposed hypothesis. The results of this study were showed by data analysis with a real level of 5% obtained hitung t = 1,72 and tabel t = 1,69. So that hitung t was greater than tabel t which is (1,72 > 1,69). It showed that H0 rejected dan Hr accepted the truth which meant that this study indicated that there was an influence of the mathematical strategy of basketball againsted the value of knowledge of class III Elementary School 42 Palembang. Keywords: basketball math strategy, knowledge value, posttest only control design} }