@thesis{thesis, author={Kirana Finka Kartika Candra}, title ={Asuhan kebidanan continuity of care (coc) pada ny. “j” dibidan praktik mandiri lismarini palembang}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8447/}, abstract={The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the maternal mortality rate in 2017 is 462/100.000 KH, the maternal mortality rate in indonesia according to the 2017 (SDKI) is still high at 305/100.000 KH, the maternal mortality rate in palembang city in 2018 is 4 people from 126,837 KH and maternal mortality rate in the lismarini independent midwife practice in 2019 was 0 people. One of the efforts to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality is to carry out continuity of care (COC) midwife care, namely continuity of care (COC) midwife care for Mrs.J starting from pregnancy, childbirth, newborns, postpartum and neonatus in the independent midwife practice of lismarini. This final project report provides midwifery care continuity of care (COC) to Mrs.J in the independent midwife practice of lismarini since mart 28 marce 2021 in the second trimester starting from pregnancy, child birth, new borens, post partum and neonatus. The data collection technique data. The midwifery method used was the midwifery continuity of care (COC) approach and used the SOAP method. The results of care obtained from midwifery continuity of care (COC) for Mrs.J in pregnancy, child birth from the 1st to the 4st stage of new borns 6 hours and 7 days post partum and neonatus. The scope of physiology felt by the mother stomach pain radiating to the waist. The conclusion is based on the assessment of the data, Mrs J is cooperative and there are no problems. The advice given to the patient is expected to always maintain the health of herself and her baby and keep in touch with the midwife.} }