@thesis{thesis, author={Simanjuntak Eni Suci Pehtawati}, title ={Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Orang Tua Tentang Pemberian Vaksin Covid-19 Pada Anak}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8469/}, abstract={Background: Covid-19 affects all ages, one of which is children. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 350,000 children have been exposed to COVID-19 and 777 of them have died. The high number of confirmed cases and deaths in children throughout 2020. The government expanded vaccination efforts on December 14, 2021. Based on data from the Covid-19 vaccine, the total number of vaccine recipients for children in Indonesia is still 26,400,300 with a target number of vaccinations reaching 26.5 million. child. Many factors affect the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine in children, one of which is the knowledge and attitudes of parents.. Objective: To know the description of the knowledge and attitudes of parents about giving the Covid-19 vaccine to children Methods:This study used a descriptive survey method. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 58 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Results: The majority of respondents were in early adulthood as many as 29 respondents (50%), the majority of respondents in secondary education were 31 respondents (53.4%), the majority of respondents did not work as many as 32 respondents (55.2%), the majority of respondents had received vaccine 2 as many as 24 respondents (41.4%), the majority of the vaccine status in children had received vaccine 2 as many as 23 respondents (39.7%), the majority of respondents had good knowledge as many as 27 respondents (46.6%), the majority of respondents had a positive attitude as many as 54 respondents (93.1%). Suggestion: Further researchers can conduct research on the factors, relationships or influences between knowledge and attitudes regarding the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine to children.} }