@thesis{thesis, author={Santoso Oskar}, title ={PENGARUH DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO DAN DEBT TO ASSET RATIO TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM PERUSAHAAN BATUBATA YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8646/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of Debt to Equity Ratio and Debt to Asset ratio on stock prices focusing on coal sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period 2017 to 2021. This study uses Debt to Equity Ratio and Debt to Asset ratio of coal companies as a population and a sample of 100. The data used in the form of secondary data obtained through financial statements published by the company through the IDX website, namely www.idx.co.id. The result of this research is that there is no significant effect between Debt to Equity Ratio on stock prices and Debt to Asset Ratio on stock prices. Keywords: Debt to Equity Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio , and Stock Price} }