@thesis{thesis, author={Dhebora Christin Elsa}, title ={APLIKASI LOGISTIK BERBASIS RESTFUL API MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK LARAVEL (Studi Kasus: PT. Container Activities Maritime Palembang)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8844/}, abstract={Currently, the use of computer technology has been very developed and has been used in almost every activity, even the sophistication of the technology that has developed is very helpful to simplify all the affairs they do. Including to develop logistics applications, one of which is at PT. Container Maritime Activities. However, the use of technology in this company is not optimal because the existing data is still not centralized to a single database and the previous application was only desktop-based. For this reason, the logistics application was further developed by applying web service technology with the RESTful method which allows various applications on different platforms to be integrated in one database. A simple RESTful architecture will make it easier for clients to consume without the need to write all program functions from scratch. The result of this research is a logistics application that uses the RESTFul API method to provide container data input services, view container data, store shipping data, display reports and this application can also help employees to make it easier to do logistics activities. Keywords : Web Service ; RESTful ; Logistics Application} }