@thesis{thesis, author={Teofilus Feliks}, title ={Analisis kelayakan mesin pirolisis sampah plastik ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8875/}, abstract={Indonesia's waste in 2021 is estimated to amount to 68.5 million tons. The Palembang City Government (Pemkot) noted that the production of waste per day in the city of Palembang reached 1,200 tons. Based on the problems analyzed, the plastic waste pyrolysis machine is one of the technologies of the cracking process, this machine can make a solution to the problem of plastic waste. According to the economic aspects that need to be studied, namely HPP, operational costs, BEP, NPV and BCR. From the results of laboratory test data, the results of the plastic waste pyrolysis machine in this study are comparable to diesel fuel. Based on calculations made from the economic aspect, the HPP results were Rp. 14.920.297,63 and the selling price of the product was Rp. 16.163,66, for the monthly operating costs of machine production, which was Rp. 1.281.584,80, for BEP (units), which was Rp. 0,2287561178 liters and BEP (rupiah) is Rp. 3.697,46, for NPV is Rp. 408.260,43 and BCR is 8,075828947 which means BCR > 1. According to the results of all calculations, the plastic waste pyrolysis machine business is feasible for realized and will make a profit.} }