@thesis{thesis, author={Napitu Rifka Rohani Talenta}, title ={EKSPLORASI ETNOMATEMATIKA PADA TARI TANGGAI BAGI PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI SEKOLAH DASAR}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/8922/}, abstract={This research is a form of research that uses an ethnomathematical approach in the Palembang Tanggai Dance culture . Tanggai Dance is one of the typical welcome dances of Palembang.while the number of movements in the Tanggai Dance is 22 movements. This research is a type of qualitative research using an ethnographic approach. Data collection techniques in research are carried out by several processes, namely observation, documentation, and interviews. While the data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that there is a link or concept of ethnomathematical studies in the Palembang Tanggai Dance culture which is located in each Tanggai Dance movement in the form of angles and two dimentional figure in grades 1 to 4 elementary mathematics learning. The related KD are at KD 3.6, KD 3.7, KD 4.6 and KD 4.7 in grade 1, KD 3.9 to KD 3.11 and KD 4.9 to KD 4.11 in grade 2, KD 3.10 to KD 3.12, KD 4.10 to KD 4.12 in grade III, KD 3.12 and KD 4.12 in grade 4. The researcher believes that the mathematical studies that have been found in each movement in the Tanggai Dance can be used as a source of learning in mathematics as based on previous ethnomathematical theories. Keywords: ethnomathematics, two dimentional figure, angles and data shapes} }