@thesis{thesis, author={Masnunah Rosyidatul}, title ={PENGARUH FAKTOR KEUANGAN DAN NON KEUANGAN TERHADAP PENERIMAAN OPINI AUDIT GOING CONCERN DI PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BEI UMG TAHUN 2011-2014}, year={2016}, url={http://eprints.umg.ac.id/1381/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine whether the effect of quality audit, Previous audit report, Audit Client Tenure, Company’s Growth ,Company size, Debt to Equity Ratio, Financial condition of Company on Going Concern Audit Opinion would receive a going concern opinion. This study population is a manufacturing company listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2011-2013. The Data used were secondary data. Method of data analysis used statistic descriptive and logistic regression analysis Independent. The result of this study indicate previous audit report are significantly effect the going concern audit opinion. On the other hand, Audit Quality, Audit Client Tenure, Company’s Growth, Company size, Debt to equity ratio, Financial condition does not ave effect on going concern audit opinion.} }