@thesis{thesis, author={Ilmiyah Ageng Faidatul}, title ={DEVELOPING READING NARRATIVE TEXT MEDIA BY USING LONGTION AUTORUN FOR THE 10TH GRADE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AT SMA SEMEN GRESIK}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.umg.ac.id/6172/}, abstract={The design of this study was research and development[R&D]. the study was designed to develop the english material especially in reading skill which should be applied in real education. In the end of the study, the product would be in the form of Task Based Instruction in Autorun as the media to improve the students' reading comprehension. For this research the material was the develope for the tenth grade of senior high school. The research uses ADDIE model which is appropiate for analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. it is adopted from steven J McGriff. After passing development, expert validation, second development, try out, and the last revision, the final product has been ready to be applied to the tenth grade of SEMEN GRESIK SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. The product was in the form of C-ROM. This program was completed by words, pictures, and sounds which expected to be able to make the studentsinterested in learning English. The research decides three stages in developing material, in pre activity there should be clear explanation about narrative text, the second phase the introduction of unknown word and familiar word in narrative text with some clues, and the last stage there is task to measure student's performance in understanding narrative text.Based on the interview from teacher and students, the researcher found out the target and learners need to appear the reasercher could develop task based instruction.} }