@thesis{thesis, author={Pramono Joko Aji}, title ={Strategi Penanganan Keluhan Pelanggan Dengan Perspektif Teori Griffin Dan Michael Pada Pt Maluku Prima Makmur Di Ambon}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.umg.ac.id/8477/}, abstract={to find out the management of complaint handling at PT Maluku Prima Makmur and how the complaint management strategy at PT Maluku Prima Makmur is studied according to the theory of Griffin and Michael and determine the best strategy for making complaint management at PT Maluku Prima Makmur. This research methodology uses qualitative methods by conducting interviews with various key informants at PT. Maluku Prima Makmur. The results of this study indicate that PT Maluku Prima Makmur in handling complaints from consumers must fulfill consumer expectations regarding the failure of the product provided. Replacing products that are not in accordance with the product expected by consumers. Based on the research results, this strategy is the best strategy because it provides compensation to customers with equal value. This was able to create a negative view when making a complaint to return favorably to PT Maluku Prima Makmur.} }