@thesis{thesis, author={PAMBUDHI YULIASTRI AMBAR}, title ={DESKRIPSI IMPULSE BUYING PADA WANITA}, year={2007}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/10041/}, abstract={Human behavior to make ends meet has never finished in the discussion, because the needs of the man himself who is never satisfied. Man in meeting its needs to do a variety of business, one of them is to buy (buying). Buying behavior is currently not only to meet basic needs or basic needs alone but to meet the demand for satisfaction and pride. Purchases can be influenced by the stimulus display of goods or making purchases of goods a person becomes uncontrollable. This is because more and more goods offered on the market. The purpose of this study is to describe in detail and clear regarding the purchase based on impulse (impulse buying) in women. This study used descriptive qualitative method of interviews (interview) on the basis of quantitative data as an initial identification of the subject. The quantitative data obtained from scale Rook & Fisher. Subjects were women aged 20-30 years, not married (single) and has the impulse buying tendency. Number of subjects 7 people, among others, is 1 person working college student, 5 students have not worked as well as an employee of a travel company. The results concluded that the description of impulse buying in women are bought spontaneously by their interest and desire to have the goods to be indifferent to the consequences. Internal factors that affect the self-control associated with perception and attitudes toward the goods sold, the status of recognition from the community to accept them as they wish. In addition to external factors is the use of free time and financial status.} }