@thesis{thesis, author={Rahmawati Dian}, title ={ANALISIS FAKTOR – FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENDAPATAN USAHA PADA USAHA KECIL MENENGAH( Studi Kasus Pada UKM Handicraft Tas Dan Tenun Tikar Di Kabupaten Lamongan)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/10188/}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to identify factors that influenced the UKM handicraft earns in Lamongan. The factors that will be analyzed are the extract fees, worker fees, modals, promotion fees, management, technology, birocracy, infrastructure, and links. The analysis tools were using a classical assumption test and double regression linear to identify how big is the factors influenced the UKM Bags Handicraft and Tikar earns in Lamongan. Based on the result of the study by using a classical assumption test and double regression linear, it showed that the most dominant influenced factors to the UKM handicraft was the whole factors was influenced positively and strong to the UKM handicraft earns. And the most dominant influenced factors was the extract fees in the level 0,05. While the technology was (-0,772),of significance was 0,000 birocracy was (-0,164), and the infrastructure was (-1,786) influenced table of value t 2,000. As fornegatively by the account value of t that, it needed an efficiency through the extract planning, a fair implementation of birocracy, and did not make a difficult the UKM people, a modern technology, and a well infrastructure from the Government.} }