@thesis{thesis, author={SUCIATI KARINA EKA}, title ={HUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN DAN JENIS KELAMIN PEMIRSA TERHADAP PILIHAN ACARA TELEVISI(Studi Pada Pemirsa Acara Televisi di Kelurahan Kelayan Selatan, Kecamatan Banjarmasin Selatan, Kota Banjarmasin)}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/10461/}, abstract={This research is based on the rapid phenomenon of various TV Stations in Indonesia that provides diversity of TV program. Align with the diversity of these various programs, allowed the viewers to choose which program is worth to be seen. The booming of new programs appeared is an effect of television industry competition. Those diversity programs available on TV in Indonesia are; news, sport, religious, electronic cinema, variety show, reality show and more. By this diversity program available definitely emerging a differential reason in choosing the program, supported by the pluralistic of Indonesian citizens who is defines from its education level, sex, and social status or others. Head and Sterling stated that the nature of the audiences in watching TV pattern is determining by their demographic characteristic, such as the level of education, sex, and age profile etc. Speaking of Education, the education level in Indonesia is not equally the same in every region, although it is believed that education is a vital matter towards the developing countries like Indonesia. Education background is determining the intellectuality level which in turn will determine the choice of entertainment type and TV program. A sustain education in the society are expected could filtering the negative effect from the TV programs. Based on that reason, this research objective is to discover, is there a correlation between the viewer’s sex and education level towards the option of the TV program. This research executed in South Kelayan region, Banjarmasin City. Through the quantitative strategy and survey with the sample amount of 386 respondents, which using structured interview as the collecting data technique based on the interview guideline, and the data result is analyzed by the descriptive statistic and table contingence analysis (C). The result of the research discovered that there is a correlation between the viewer’s education levels with their option of TV program in amount 0,245 and the correlation between viewer’s sexes in amount of 0,528. And both equally viewed have a correlation amount of 0,529 and 0,525. It concluded that the level of education and viewer’s sex, have its own correlation with the option of TV program tends to the diversity of the program as well. Based on the result of this research, it is recommended to the TV station broadcast, may produce the program based on the field research.} }