@thesis{thesis, author={Yudhistira Yudha}, title ={KOMUNIKASI INTERNAL ORGANISASI MELALUI VIDEO PROFILE (Studi pada Karyawan PT. Mukti Usaha Maju (MUM) Travel Organizer)}, year={2006}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/10633/}, abstract={The ability of communication impacts to someone’s success in transmitting messages clearly, humanly, and efficiently. This manifests through the message decoding accurately. It is refer to someone’s cognition to social aspect of communication situation, and increasable by developing a positive atmosphere of communication for organizational goal in the future. In fact, the significance of a communication process in the organization even required by the staff to persuade a certain goal. It is clear, that effective communication is very important to each level inside the organization to ensure the organization reach the goal effectively. Generally the existence of commercial has a long-term goal which is based by profit orientation to produce the biggest economical use for the company’s public. As an application for this statement, MUM Travel Organizer Ltd, create a new action through profile video that aimed not only for promotional use, but also for socializing the vision and mission of the company to the internal and external public. Due to communication process is effective not only when it understands and held internalization, but also when it does the activity which is understood. Then, main topic of the research is how internal communication through company profile video in MUM travel organizer, Ltd. This research held in a perspective of descriptive-qualitative. Means that the data required are about interpretation or appreciation of communication process in the organization and a system of certain decision making, based to this statement it is clear that the information needed is description. Informer in this research is all of the staff of MUM travel organizer Ltd. consists of a secretary, 4 managers, 2 tour guide/tour leader, 2 general assistance, and 1 driven who have watch company-profile video. The conclusion of the question: “How internal communication through company profile video in MUM travel organizer, Ltd?” is that internal communication through company profile video, according to the definition of organizational communication subjectively, focused on the role of ‘persons’ and ‘process’ in message encoding, which is not only focused on person, but also in the ‘transmitting’, is the implication of human perception, in another word staffs of MUM Ltd. are the active persons in the process communication. Practically, the presentation of company profile-video, according to the previous statement, have reached the case of congeniality (cognitive), but less can touch the attitude aspect (affective) to the behavior, this constituted by inappropriate between the desire of founder (the owner of company) and the operational activity of the company. The other finding which also represents the reason of lasing two previous conclusions, explained by the researcher as follows: mission and vision of the company which is presented through the company profile-video are not considered as a priority. Consumer segmentation for the tour program in company profile-video is not clear enough, so that the execution is not maximal.} }