@thesis{thesis, author={Zakiyah Umi}, title ={PENGARUH LAMA PEMBERIAN ASI TERHADAP TINGKAT PERKEMBANGAN MOTORIK KASAR PADA ANAK USIA 1­3 TAHUN}, year={2009}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/11871/}, abstract={Objective: Growth of milestone motorik in Indonesian’s child pertained to lower than Western countries. There is no Information for explaining the difference, but possibility nutrition factor, pattern mothering of child, and environment follow to share. Duration giving of breastmilk relate with nutrition factor. This research aim to to know the influence duration giving of breastmilk to level growth of harsh motorik in child at 1­3 year old Method & Materials: This research was designed as a cross sectional observational analitic study. The sample was 48 children taken by total sampling. Each parameter of these variables were analyzed by the simple linier regression test. Data gathering from DDST test and questioner data. Experimental Result: Based on the results of linier regression there was significant influence (sig 0,05) between duration giving of breastmilk to level growth of harsh motorik in child at 1­3 year old. Percentage of mothers giving exclusive breastmilk (0­6 months) equal to 11%, 7­12 months equal to 6% and 12­24 months equal to 83%. Conclusions: The study concluded that there is influence between duration giving of breastmilk to level growth of harsh motorik in child at 1­3 year old.} }