@thesis{thesis, author={S ANNE WIDIYOWATI}, title ={PENDAMPINGAN PADA ANAK DENGAN PERILAKU KHUSUS DI PANTI ASUHAN “NURUL ABYADH”}, year={2006}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/13158/}, abstract={Orphanage "Nurul Abyadh" is the place to accommodate orphans, orphan, orphans, children who are less able and child care services. Each child has a family background that is different, and mostly from poor families and victims of their parents divorce. With the condition that such family is causing the behavior to seek attention of others, as indicated by the fact that frequent quarrels among children, ranging from oral argument to physical fights. To overcome this problem researchers provide assistance, advisory and psikogame (PPNP). With the expected behavior of PPNP specifically on the subject can be reduced so that normal behavior can be more suppressed intensity raised appearance. This was proven to show positive results, due after giving treatment appeared to a decrease in the specific behavior that is the subject.} }