@thesis{thesis, author={MISBAHUDDIN MISBAHUDDIN}, title ={ANALISIS RANTAI NILAI SARI APEL STUDI KASUS “KSU. BROSEM“}, year={2012}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/15049/}, abstract={Outlines the company's value chain into activities - activities that are strategically relevant is relevant to understanding the behavior of cost and differentiation of existing resources and potential. Company's value chain in an industry or a commodity is different, and it reflects the history, strategy, and successful implementation. One important difference is that the company or commodity value chains differ in scope to compete with those of its competitors, and this is a potential source of competitive advantage. Serve only one segment of a particular industry or commodity enables the company to adjust its value chain with the segment produce lower cost or differentiation in the service segment compared to the competitors. Apple cider is a drink that a lot of products cultivated in the Stone City. The products are appreciated by the public as a refreshing drink or beverage providers. Many travelers also take apple cider as souvenirs typical of Malang. So many industry of scale home industry companies large enough to produce apple juice, one of which is a KSU Brosem producing cider and continues to grow today. Researcher intends to analyze the competitive advantage of apple juice produced Brosem KSU, using the tools of the value chain. This study will analyze some important things needed in the value chain analysis : a). KSU Brosem conditions and organizational structures, Cost structure. b). Distribution channels, market linkages, and the margin, deepening of apple cider. c). Service-service business unit KSU brosem. d). Existing and potential in KSU Brosem. e). Value Chain. The results showed that the distribution of apple cider Brosem still less than the maximum, one half of the demand rises 2 to 3 times but could not meet all requests. The interviews showed in certain months and days of the day, the month of fasting and the weather dry cider demand will rise significantly. The first covers the value chain, market analysis, namely the existence of a significant opportunity in order to develop the production of apple juice is greater market demand and supported by sufficient feedstock for large-scale production. Keduan analysis of market competition, KSU Brosem is a joint venture owned by the burgeoning production of apple cider that was still less to meet the demand in Indonesia, this is an opportunity for another major producer in the stone to maximize the marketing to the rest of Indonesia. Currently Brosem still plans to invest to buy the machine in order to produce more.} }