@thesis{thesis, author={SETYAWAN AGUNG}, title ={PENGARUH DOSIS PUPUK KANDANG AYAM DENGAN UKURAN UMBI BIBIT TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN KENTANG (Solanum tuberosum L.)}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/15146/}, abstract={Potato is one of commodities which has high nutritional value. An experiment of dose of henhouse fertilizer and size of seed tuber is aim to find out the influence against the growth and yield of the potatoes. This experiment was done in Pujon Kidul Vallage, Pujon Sub-District, Malang Regency in approximately 1200 asl (above sea level) on February until June 2012. The research method in this research was using factorial design arranged in randomized block design with two factors. The first factor was henhouse dose fertilizer consist of three levels and the second factor was seed tuber consist of three levels. The observation started with twenty five days old plant after the plantation with seven days interval and done until the plant became stagnant. The observation was including the growth of leaf (strand), leaf’s width (cm2), plant’s height (cm), and result; number of tuber in each plant, tuber’s weight per plant (gr), weight of each tuber (gr), and yield (t/ha). The observation data showed that there was no real correlation between factor 1 and factor 2 on the various observation parameter. Main factor of dose chicken manure and the size of the seed tuber was only found on the plant’s height which was influenced from the treatment of seed tuber’s size. It was discovered that highest value and different real with the variables on size 80-90 g, while on the another parameter there was no influence from dose main factor of dose chicken manure or size of seed tuber.} }