@thesis{thesis, author={HIDAYAT WAHYUDI}, title ={ANALISIS PEMASANGAN KAPASITOR BANK PADA BEBAN DAN BUS PUSAT PADA SISTEM JARINGAN LISTRIK UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG MENGGUNAKAN ETAP 7.0}, year={2014}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/15461/}, abstract={Power factor (cos ) is the angle formed between the current with voltage. Power factor is influenced by the type of electrical loads, such loads are inductive, capacitive or resistive. Use loads that will greatly affect the inductive reactive power increase. Increased power consumption is what causes the reactive power factor and cause of swelling decreased utility bills. This can be overcome by installing Capacitors bank. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how much the capacitor bank must be in pairs, then know Optimizing the placement of capacitor banks at each load or bus center, and the economic impact generated before and after use capacitor bank. Based on the simulation results more optimal capacitor bank located at each load, because it can improve the power factor value of all buses that are on the power grid. And after using a capacitor bank can reduce the cost of electricity bills as KVAR value decreases.} }