@thesis{thesis, author={GRACE RAMADHANA}, title ={MONITORING COS PHI PLTMH UMM MELALUI JALA-JALA LISTRIK BERBASIS ATMEGA 16}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/15526/}, abstract={Today communication systems have a lot of data delivery and more varied, ranging through the medium of lan cable, wireless, Bluetooth is already familiar in the community used to communicate or convey something like the data, there is one media outlet like the above function, is PLN cable, electricity networks could be used as a medium of communication. Not only for the distribution of electricity to homes, but residents are known as electrical wiring lines can be used PLN communication media one way or two way, which is uncommon for people to use. As with cos phi monitoring is a monitoring tool that looks like applied in highway congestion monitoring or in offices that are now often use CCTV , monitoring the cos phi difference to the appearance of the display is just a number as it appears on the panel at Microhydro Sengkaling. In this monitoring tool using two tools as a transmitter and receiver that can be connected through a phase that is often called the powerline, which is where the tool is to be an intermediary between the input voltage and current data are processed by a microcontroller avr atmega16 and as input to the computer at the reception and later on show on the LCD Working system of this tool through a process, namely the calibration process as the success of this tool so that the data transmission does not occur when the noise is too large.} }