@thesis{thesis, author={TANTOK ARGA DWI}, title ={PENGUKURAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE SERVQUAL (Studi Kasus pada Raya Jetis Net)}, year={2011}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/15622/}, abstract={This Research basically to know storey level of quality of service to satisfaction of customers in Raya Jetis net. For that shall have knowledge of customers expectation and perception of Raya Jetis net so that can know by the existence of difference between customers expectation and perception The result using of servqual method, there are five dimensions that happened a gap/negativity difference in all this matter and dimension have to paid attention by Raya Jetis net because representing expectation from customers. Sequence assess negative gap respectively is dimension of tangibles (-0,096), responsiveness (-0,0925), assurance (-0,02075), reliability (-0,0025), empathy (-0,018). Based on the results of mapping analysis showed that the variables costemer windows services that are on the main priorities for improved quality of service is an attractive interior, friendly customer service employees currently experiencing the problem, completeness of facilities and infrastructure, and modern equipment. So the Raya Jetis net needs to improve the quality of care at the service variables to customer satisfaction can be met. As a whole the quality of service given by Raya Jetis net have good enough, shown with value of quality of coming near 1 that is Q = 0,98857 (Q ≤ 1). But the company still have to do a repair on the interior of the room attractive, friendly customer service staff when experiencing problems, completeness of facilities and infrastructure, and modern equipment.} }