@thesis{thesis, author={TAUFIQ ZULHADI MUHAMMAD}, title ={POLA RELASI ANTARA PERUSAHAAN, PEMERINTAH DAN MASYARAKAT (Studi Pada PT. Pertamina ( PERSERO ) RU V di Kota Balikpapan)}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/16286/}, abstract={A Company is obliged to develop good relationship with society and government, this matter because of if the company wish to continue to maintain the continuity of its life, hence company have to pay attention situation around company reside in. existence of a relationship pattern is that happened expected can give benefit in its importance each and company also is obliged to give its contribution through applying of social responsibility of company. From this existence of a social responsibility, which done by company happened interrelationship making it relationship but sometimes relationship becoming to have the character of symmetrically, which in character only searching each importance and advantage. This is matter able to generate conflict between companies to its stakeholder. Pursuant to background above, this research internal issue formula is how social relationship pattern between PT. Pertamina RU V Balikpapan with society and government and how social relationship pattern benefit, both for PT. Pertamina RU V Balikpapan, governmental and society. This research location Iin town of Balikpapan precisely in PT Pertamina RU V Balikpapan Yos Sudarso street No.1, Balikpapan East Kalimantan and society district of Balikpapan town, sub-district of Prapatan town of Balikpapan. This research use descriptive qualitative is, technique of intake of subject by using certain criterion. Technique of data collecting is trough observation, interview, and documentation. Result of field research is indicate that relationship pattern between company, governmental and relationship pattern society realized in the form of cooperation in program of CSR that is passing managed compost house program with society sub-district of Prapatan and also the existence of support of governmental party of town of Balikpapan. coordination company with government of town Balikpapan in overcoming company conflict with society like at hosing case of water. Giving of governmental company medium permission to be used and society and also social responsibility of company (CSR) represent matter causing intertwining of a relationship. with existence of symmetrical relationship pattern can give benefit of either to company party, governmental and also society.} }