@thesis{thesis, author={Permna Auliani Rachmanita}, title ={ANALISIS PREDIKTIF DATA PRESTASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA C4.5 DI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG}, year={2011}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/16398/}, abstract={In this study attempted to implement the algorithm C4.5 to reach a decision tree in predicting students who graduate on time or students who graduate on time do not use students' academic data. In this application built using two main facilities of the training and testing. For training uses training data and for testing using test data as test data. Objects in the study presented here are all faculty at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, who took the Tier 1 program. Training data used is the data of students who have graduated on time and students who do not graduate on time in 2008 the armed 2001-2004, data was not taken until the end of the semester but from semester 1 to semester 6 while for the test data using data generation college students 2006 which is still in semester 6. This application is based JSP while forming the prediction model using decision tree method. The implementation of C4.5 algorithm in applications built using Weka library so that its data format must be the existence arff. From the results of the C4.5 algorithm implementation will represent a rule (rules). While the attributes are GPA, course, credits, Provincial Schools, weight, Faculty and Graduating On Time.} }