@thesis{thesis, author={DARA AGUSTA MAULIDA}, title ={FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MENJADI PERTIMBANGAN KONSUMEN DALAM MENGAMBIL KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK DISTRO BANDUNG SPORT MALANG}, year={2009}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/1719/}, abstract={Consumer buy some products and services to get satisfaction to fulfill their willing. Maslow arrange need in need range. About Maslow need are physical need, safe need, need to recognition and self-actualization need. If at same time of physical group is fulfilled thus it will emerge claim of other group of need. Therefore it will emerge consumer behavior. The young development of Malang who want about fashion product of host brand make strong to build fashion store of host brand. Finally of the dream will development to be store or outlet fashion by shop house concept which the concept just sell some host brand such as Black ID, Rockmen and Oval, the dream actualization. The goal of this study is to know what factors become consideration of consumer to make decision to product of Distro Bandung Sport of Malang and to know which dominant factor to become consideration to take buying decision of product of Distro Bandung sport of Malang. Base on the study result which be carried out to 80 respondents to consumer of DIstro Bandung Sport of Malang, it may be taken conclusion Measurement validity of Sampling in the first to matrice of Correlation in anti image show that all of variable which have MSA > 0,5. Keiser – Meyer – Olkin ( KMO ) value is 0,745 KMO value is considered enough because > 0,5. the value result of Barlett’S Test of Sphericity is 1187, 394; more than Chi- Squares table (99,3341), with significance degree 0,000 < 0,00. The factor matrice becore rotation is known that variable X7 and X8 did not have factor loading ≥ 0,5. thus the sequent the both variable may not be interpreted because they are not interpretation of others. The factors matrices after rotation is carried out by varimax method, it give result of mod is known that of previous factor is known there are 4 factor that give influence to buy product of Bandung sport following: factor 1: motivation factor which contain of the variation of model, good quality, the price is cheap, distro consumer, the shop is comfort, the shop is safe, satisfaction for product of Distro, trendy, reference from brother, parent reference, interesting lay out, polite service. The Factor 2: the perception factor which contain of friend reference, close-friend reference. Factor 3: personality factor contain of never move other distro and brother reference. Factor 4: attitude factors that contain the shop is safe.} }