@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Lorenzah Arinta}, title ={PENILAIAN NASABAH TERHADAP SISTEM CALL CENTER SEBAGAI UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PELAYANAN PADA PT. BANK JATIM CABANG MALANG}, year={2014}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/18581/}, abstract={“The Customer Assessment to System of Call Center as Effort to Increase Service at PT. Bank Jatim Malang” The study entitled The Customer Assessment to System of Call Center as Effort to Increase Service at PT. Bank Jatim Malang, aims to know the profile of call center and to customer assessment to the call center system. Data collection techniques in this study use documentation, observation and questionnaire techniques. Data analysis method used is qualitative and quantitative descriptive by describing the profile of call center again and obtaining a percentage based on the results of the assessment questionnaire about the customer call center system. The results can be explained that the Customer Assessment to System Call Center as Effort to Increase Service at PT. Bank Jatim Malang has done well. Meanwhile, customer assessment who choose agreement in term of emphaty (pro – customer) is 48%, tangible (visible or manifest things) 55,33%, realibility 44%, assurance (certainty) is 47,33%, and responsive 51,33%} }