@thesis{thesis, author={Wijayanti Sucik}, title ={EFEKTIFITAS PENYALURAN DANA BSM (BANTUAN SISWA MISKIN) PADA PT. BANK JATIM CABANG MALANG}, year={2014}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/18614/}, abstract={The research method is survey . The data used are primary and secondary data . Observation techniques used in data collection , interviews , documentation , library research , and questionnaires .The results of this study states that the BSM ( Poor Students Aid ) is the assistance of the central government in the form of a sum of money given directly to students who come from poor families . The effectiveness of using the BSM disbursements computer online system , with terms and conditions apply . BSM ( Help Poor Students ) diberjalan effectively so that employees of PT . Bank Branch Malang East Java is more skilled . In order for the division of BSM ( Help Poor Students ) more quickly and orderly and expect the company to establish a good komunakasi with the Education Department of Education in order to avoid further error information disbursement requirements BSM ( Help Poor Students ) .} }