@thesis{thesis, author={OETOMO TEJO MARDI}, title ={HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG ANEMIA DENGAN KADAR Hb PADA KEHAMILAN TRIMESTER I DAN III DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SRENGAT}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/19596/}, abstract={Anemia in pregnancy is the condition of women with hemoglobin levels below 11 g% in trimester I and III or level <10.5 g% in the second trimester. Pregnant women are prone to anemia because the blood volume increased by about 50%, because the body needs extra blood to supply oxygen and food for the growing fetus and placenta. Signs and symptoms of anemia in pregnant women are tired, frequently dizzy, dizzy eyes, tongue lesions (malaise), decreased appetite (anorexia), loss of concentration, shortness of breath (severe anemia), complaints of nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Efforts to do that is diligent in tackling anemia during their pregnancy, giving added teblet blood, and one of them is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about anemia in pregnancy. This study aims to identify the relationship of knowledge of anemia with hemoglobin levels I and III trimester of pregnancy in the working area Srengat health center. The researcher is a linear regression, this is because the researchers wanted to determine the effect or the relationship of anemia with Hb levels. In this research, which serve as the entire population of pregnant women have anemia in the work area Srengat health center. In this study the samples taken were all pregnant women, and the sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and observation methods. The analysis shows that the knowledge of the relationship of anemia with Hb levels showed a strong relationship (r = 0.541) and positive pattern meaning the higher the level of maternal knowledge of anemia, the higher its level of Hb.} }