@thesis{thesis, author={MUARIF SAMSUL}, title ={FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KONSUMEN DALAM KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN DI BETA SWALAYAN KESAMBEN (Studi pada Konsumen Di Kecamatan Kesamben Blitar)}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/20137/}, abstract={Middleweight propertied growth at that time Indonesia exists around 50 million society intermediates that have energis to buy big as Rp 10 million about moon, on this era will booming goods or branded and qualified service with more buy product or service at moderen's shopping centre and market (BPS 2011). Its mean available phenomenon hits product buy of traditional market change over to moderen's market as Swalayan Kesamben's Beta. Problem in observational it is factor what that regarding consumer in buy decision buy at Swalayan's Beta . To the effect this research which is factor what that regarding consumer in decision buy at Swalayan Kesamben's Beta and factor which that dominant regarding consumer in buy at Swalayan's Beta. Method that is utilized in this research is method survey with descriptive approaching, sample on observational it as much 100 respondents. With method non probability sampling tech that is utilized is accidntal sampling . measurement 's scale which is bases likert's scale and analisis's tool utilizes analisis factor. Of tool examination result analisis factor that is done therefore gets to be concluded that exists seven which is product factors, person, psychological, of presenting product, promotion, price, and social. of process rotation and rotated component matrix with have komulatif's point factor as big as 26,992%. There is factor even dominant that regard consumer in buy at Beta Swalayan is first factor (product) with eigen value's point 3,018% by variable support which is cover, product quality, cheap price, easy transportation and near place works.} }