@thesis{thesis, author={PRIMADANI RIZAL}, title ={PENGARUH GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN DAN KEPUASAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PERAWAT (Studi Pada RSU Aminah Kota Blitar)}, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/20803/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership style and job satisfaction on the performance of nurses Aminah Hospital Blitar. Type of research is survey research, where researchers conduct research on Aminah Hospital Blitar with purposive sampling techniques with the object in nurses. The conclusion from this study is that the leadership style and job satisfaction simultaneously affect the performance of Blitar Aminah Hospital nurse with a value (R2) of 0.783, which means that the influence of the style of leadership of (X1), job satisfaction variable (X2), the performance of nurse Aminah Hospital Blitar approximately 78.3% while the remaining 21.7% is influenced by other variables that are not described in the study. Suggestions can be expected from this research is the Blitar Aminah Hospital management needs to improve the effectiveness of his leadership style, especially on the aspect of task behavior, relationship behavior, work maturity, psychological maturity, as well as hospitals pay more attention to job satisfaction, especially in the aspect of payroll administration, supervision, and characteristics of the work itself.} }