@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={MEDIA USED BY NOVICE LECTURERS OF LANGUAGE CENTRE AT FIRST SEMESTER SPEAKING CLASSES IN ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG}, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/25006/}, abstract={As one of the English skills, speaking has an important role in teaching and learning process. It is a studentÂ’s way to express their feeling or expressions through oral or speaking product that will be conveyed to others. Unfortunately, many students have difficulty in mastering speaking skill. The cause is that they cannot speak in right pronunciation, proper vocabulary and right grammatical structure. Therefore, teaching speaking is needed by students to get the way to speak well. In teaching speaking, the teachers must use various activities and tools where they must do speaking processes and select suitable ways (approach, method, and technique) and tools or media. By learning speaking skill and selecting suitable ways and media, it helps the learners study easier to express their expressions or feeling through speaking in good result, and media will help students to be enthusiasm to learn speaking skill. But, in this study, the students are taught by novice lecturers (beginners and less experience in professional teaching), they are commonly 21-27 years old, they are full of spirit, they have high creativity, and they are easy to unite with the students. Those advantages are able to make some differences either for the lecturer or the students in classroom, in teaching learning proses, and also the result of the teaching learning process. It also could increase the lecturer capability and also studentsÂ’ responses in teaching learning process. The purposes of this research are formulated as: (1) To know the media used by the novice lecturers for ESP speaking classes at first semester at Language Centre of English department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, and (2) to know the responses of the learners to the media used by the lecturer. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. The population was the speaking classes at first semester at Language Centre of English department of University of Muhammadiyah. There were some English novice lecturers and the researcher took all of them as the subject and study on the media used by the novice lecturers and the studentsÂ’ response on speaking classes at first semester. To collect the data, the researcher used two kinds of instruments: observation and documentation. The result of this research would be written in the form of narrative writing. The research finding showed several media used are flash cards, pictures, coursebook, and media player. The students got cognitive impact and gave positive response toward learning speaking by novice lecturer and the media used.} }