@thesis{thesis, author={ARIFIYANTO FERRY BUDI}, title ={A STUDY OF MESSAGES ON MAHER ZAIN‟S SONG LYRIC "INSYAALLAH‟}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/27391/}, abstract={Literature is human expression that is written in beautiful words. It means that people use their feeling, emotion, creation, and imagination then they write their work into a nice words and it becomes literary work. There are several kinds of literary works. They are poetry, drama, prose, and song. The purpose of the study is to find out the general meaning, detail meanings, and the messages that is contained in Maher Zain's song lyric "Insyaallah". So the writer used descriptive qualitative research design because it did not conduct administration or control of treatment as found in experimental research. The writer collects the data by reading the lyric of the Maher Zain's song "Insyaallah", choosing the data that are suitable with the research questions then, and understanding the detail meanings, general meaning and the messages in lyric Maher Zain's song "Insyaallah" objectively. After obtaining the data, the researcher started to analyze the data provided. The result of this study showed that the general meaning was about asking help from to The God in order to get the way out for all the problems that were faced by the people particularly for the poet himself.While the detail meaning of song described aboutthe grief situation that is faced by the people in their life, the people's feeling when they have done a mistake, the people that they do not have to give up to find out the solutions, the poet suggests the people to back to Allah, and the poet asks that he wants to be guided and avoided from astray. And the messages which found were the poet told the reader that they should remember Allah in all situations, gives the suggestions to the readers that should be done to get the way out and the necessity of choosing the best decision when the people have to make a decision making.} }