@thesis{thesis, author={FANDANA MEGA RIDOMA INCIF}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL CONFLICTS FACE BY BENJAMIN CARSON ON “GIFTED HAND” FILM}, year={2013}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/27627/}, abstract={Film is categorized as one of literary work that has the same characteristics as drama. Film is a combination of quite disparate parts, expressions, technologies and events, and it produces a whole unit. This study used the "Gifted Hand" film as the object since this film contains the true story of a black child raised by a single mother who constantly encourages him to use his God-given gifts. He grows from being a poor student to the top of his class and then to become a world-famous neurosurgeon. It would be hard not to be inspired by this movie. There are many problems that he has faced to get his successful life especially on the social circumstances. The purpose of the study was to investigate the social conflicts experienced by Benjamin and find the cause of his social conflicts. The method design used in this research was descriptive qualitative. The object of study was social conflicts faced by Benjamin as the main character in "Gifted Hand" film. The writer used document as the method in collecting the data. Based on the data analysis, Benjamin experienced mostly private social conflicts to get his successful life. Furthermore, there are four main causes that trigger the private social conflict in his life that are relationships or society relationship, cultural difference or culture misunderstanding, clashes of interests, and human needs. The causes above are undergone mostly because of bad self-emotional management, and some are due to different perception of individual principles.} }