@thesis{thesis, author={YOGA LORENTIA ALICA ABDI}, title ={TEACHER STRATEGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS AT DIAMOND COURSE IN KRAKSAAN PROBOLINGGO}, year={2016}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/34504/}, abstract={Keyword : Teaching Strategy, Vocabulary, Young Learners, Diamond English Course Teaching young learners is different from teaching adult learners.Different characteristic processed by children made different way how they learn something. Children have a very short attention and concentration span in learning. Besides, they like to learn something through concrete object and should be stimulated in such way to arouse their focus toward material taught. Consequently, it needs specific strategy and in teaching young learners especially for those who are in the stage of learning basic language. They like to learn through interesting way such as singing song, playing games, coloring, and etc. This research tries to find out kinds of strategy that is used by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary, how theyapply the strategies in classroom activity and the problem faced by teacher in teaching vocabulary at Diamond Course in KraksaanProbolinggo. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The writer took one English teacher of Diamond Course as subject of study. To collect the data and information necessary from the research, the writer conducted the classroom observation and interviewed the English teacher at Diamond Course. The result of this research showed that modeling and mimicry and singing a song were found as teacher strategies in teaching vocabulary. Both of strategies were very suitable for young learners since it was thought through model, illustration and drill activity. However, the teacher faced some problems in teaching vocabulary. The problems were difficulties in managing the class and increasing the studentsÂ’ mood. Finally, the writer suggested the teacher to use various strategies, improve the students motivation, should be more creative and be patient to manage the class. Meanwhile, for students should pay attention when the teacher teaches in the class and should not be worry to learn English.} }