@thesis{thesis, author={Erni Rusdah}, title ={SOSIALISASI NILAI­-NILAI AGAMA ISLAM DALAM KELUARGA MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Kasus di Dusun Jetak Ngasri, Desa Mulyoagung Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang)}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/3877/}, abstract={Long life is education, because education is important in life, since before birth and until dead. In specific education is religion education will good keep it get relation collect education is family, government and society. Family is first collect education and get up form to influented and than to guide the son of man to adult; and have the better education. In the family son of man to guide also to become better human and individual society good is attitude, and than society and religion human. The socialisation proces, the first in religion proses, family is responsible to son caracter building. Society interaction do in the family little or many, to guide attitude, faith and one of the way life in society. Problem relation is research of purpose continue about society Muhammadiyah opinion Islamic value in life to son of man. The purpose from research is : 1.Explain about Muhammadiyah family opinion to value islamic in life. 2.Explain about one of the way use Muhammadiyah Family in value Islamic society. The research is kualitative research and study problem and than collected data is intervew and observation kinds the data from research is Muhammadiyah family oponion to Islamic value in Islamic. On of the way used Muhammdiyah family of value islamic the society, programes in Muhammadiyah family like, Geografice condition, economy, education and the respon of religion. From the research get how data is observation and nterview, and than analyzed many of the way: data reduction, display data c, to conclude and data verification. Finally, this research can to conclude that family is to play an important part. In education, first in religion education to caracter building. Suggestion to Muhammadiyah family. In order to increase to son of man about religion education.} }