@thesis{thesis, author={Gandiwa Dhiras Iwa}, title ={PROPAGANDA TULISAN BAKAL CALON GUBERNUR Analisis Wacana Rubrik Catatan H Ismail Husni pada harian Lombok Post}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/4169/}, abstract={Toward West Nusa Tenggara Governor election on 2008, the govenor candidates unceasing on gathering the support from the society. When the campaign toward the election begin, appear a rubric that called Catatan H Ismail Husni on Lombok Post Daily Newspaper. Ismail Husni is the leader of Lombok Post and eventually become one of the governor candidate on the election. This article is one of Ismail Husni propaganda channel. Because its appear when Ismail Husni became one of the candidate in West Nusa Tenggara Governor Election on 2008. This research takes Catatan H Ismail Husni rubric in Lombok Post daily newspaper as the object. The researcher only take rubric edition that appear in January. Because in January, Ismial Husni is the candidate of the governor. This research purpose is the find the construction of political propaganda that contain in article that written by the governor candidate. This research used Van Dijk Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) model as the data analysis technique. There are three dimension that analyzed by the Van Dijk CDA model, which is text dimension, social context and social cognition. With this Van Dijk CDA model, researcher finds that (1) Ismail Husni indepedency as a media cast in doubtful. That’s because Ismail Husni join the one of the president candidate campaign team. Futhermore, Ismail Husni involve in practical politic by become one of the governor candidate in Governor election, (2) Ismail Husni’s campaign only through the Catatan H Ismial Husni rubric. Ismail Husni don’t use the other mass media such as radio, poster, sticker, leafleat etc. Beside the article, Ismail Husni also visit the opion leader in the society to ganther their support., (3) From the 25 article that appear in January, 24 of them is talk about economic topic. Researcher believe its shown that Ismail Husni in more to an economic cast than to media cast. (4) researcher find that Ismial Husni used a labbeling technique that draft in every title of the rubric. The word that refer to that is “NTB Bangkit”. This technique is one of Ismail Husni’s ways to persuade the reader to follow his development concept that discorsed in every rubric that appear, and (5) There are severalinformation and theme repeatation that happen in that rubric. Researher believe that this repeatition is one of Ismail Husni’s ways to atract the reader. But some repeatation happen beace Ismail Husni’s lack of knowledge. Based on the finding on this research, reseacher hope that people can be more ciritcal toward the containt of the media.because researcher think that the fact in the media is already contruct the the media itself. The fact that already being construct isn’t the fact that come from the field. There is a pressure that shape the containt of a media. It come from the inside or the outside of the media. That’s the reason that people have to be critical toward the containt of the media.} }