@thesis{thesis, author={Maslikah Suhesti}, title ={PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA BIG BOOK BELAJAR BERSAMA DODO DAN TEMAN-TEMAN UNTUK PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK KELAS IV DI SEKOLAH DASAR}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/46114/}, abstract={Based on the needs analysis conducted at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 05 Batu on November 5, 2018, it was found that the thematic learning process in the elementary school experienced limitations, this was due to the lack of media used in the classroom learning process, the media used in the learning process only utilizing existing images in the theme book and lack of enthusiasm of students in reading, so the school needs Big Book Learning media with Dodo and friends for 4th grade thematic learning in elementary schools. This study aims to produce Big Book media learning products with Dodo and friends for 4th grade thematic learning in Elementary Schools that have a level of feasibility as a media criterion to help students in the thematic learning process in class. The researcher used the ADDIE model development which consisted of five stages namely, Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 05 Batu, totaling 15 students. The study was conducted in February 2019. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques used were descriptive, qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The researcher carried out Big Book media development through the validation of media experts, material experts, linguists, and the result of learning experts, namely the media could be tested according to the suggestions and comments from experts. This can be indicated by the acquisition of a percentage of media experts of 96.6%. The percentage of material experts is 91.6%. The percentage of linguists is 81.25%. The percentage of learning experts is 93.3%. The use of Big Book media received a very good response to users, namely the results of the questionnaire responses of students as big as for small group trials of 96% and 96.25 for large group trials at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 05 Batu. The results of this study, thematic Big Book learning media are suggested to be used for 4th grade thematic learning in Elementary Schools to help students and teachers to achieve learning goals and create interesting thematic learning.} }