@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA KUALITAS PERSAHABATAN DENGAN PENERIMAAN DIRI PADA MAHASISWA YANG KULIAH DI JURUSAN YANG TIDAK DIINGINKAN}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/46337/}, abstract={A good quality of friendship is needed so that students have good self-acceptance, with good self-acceptance students will direct themselves to find new achievements, become competent people, and avoid frustration. This study uses a correlational quantitative method and aims to determine the relationship between the quality of friendship and self-acceptance of students who study in undesirable majors. The subjects of this study were students who were still actively studying but in undesirable majors. The sampling technique in this study used a snowball sampling technique. The instrument used was the quality scale of friendship namely McGill friendship questionnaire-FF and self-acceptance. Data analyzed using product moment Pearson correlation. Based on the results of the analysis obtained a significant value of 0,000 (p <0.05) which indicates that there is a significant relationship with the positive direction between the quality of friendship and the self-acceptance of students who study in undesirable majors Based on the coefficient of determination shows that the contribution of the quality of friendship to self-acceptance of students who study in undesirable majors is 8.6%, which means there are 91.4% of other factors that can affect self-acceptance.} }