@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI PENERJEMAH BAHASA JEPANG – INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION BERBASIS ANDROID}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47347/}, abstract={Japanese kanji in a book or picture is very difficult to read, especially for people who are just learning Japanese. For people who are just learning Japanese to find out how to read and the meaning of a kanji need 2 different types of dictionaries, namely dictionaries for reading and dictionary for their meanings. To make it easier to find out how to read kanji letters and their meanings, researchers created an android application that can detect Japanese language kanji using a smartphone camera and displays the meaning and how to read it on a smartphone screen. In making this android application using java and xml programming on android studio. Then on android studio add a new tesseract OCR engine library and yandex translate API. Tesseract OCR engine serves as a detection of starch using a smartphone camera and yandex translate API functions as a Japanese translator into Indonesian. To get a way to read Japanese kanji, the researcher created a new database using SQlite which is used to change from kanji to alphabet. The application testing uses the black box testing method and obtains the accuracy of tesseract OCR engines by 87.5%.} }