@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={PERANCANGAN EARLY WARNING SYSTEM (EWS) PADA BENCANA ALAM BERBASIS IOT DENGAN STANDALONE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47358/}, abstract={This study discusses the design of an early warning system for natural disasters like forest fires and landslides. This early warning system is designed using the ESP8266 module which is connected with fire , temperature and smoke sensors as a fire detector and humidity and heavy sensors as a detector for landslides and GPS as a determinant of disaster location points and evacuation routes to be used. This system can be monitored in real time on an android application. With 3 warning levels "AMAN", "WASPADA" and "BAHAYA". Test result show if the detection device can send disasters information to an android application in real time with information delivery time in less than 5 minutes at a great distance. As well as the location of the occurrence of a disaster can be shown on a google maps accurately. Thus, it is expected that this Early Warning System can help the community and related parties to minimize losses due to disasters that occur with information obtained from this early warning detector.} }