@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={DESAIN SISTEM AUTOMATISASI PRIVATE CLOUD COMPUTING OPEN STACK MENGGUNAKAN ANSIBLE}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47422/}, abstract={The development of information in the present era has many benefits for users if the use is done wisely, so it is also required to follow technological developments ranging from storage, data access, data processing, etc. Like storage media that is used nowadays where the use of cloud computing is a trend in itself. This is because cloud computing has large storage media and can be accessed anywhere on condition that they have internet access. One of the open source systems for making cloud computing is openstack, which is widely used for development because it has a number of advantages. From the whole openstack system, several integrated parts are needed so that it also has several disadvantages such as monitoring the system one by one, so that additional systems are needed such as possible servers which can be used to manage and especially monitor the entire openstack system. So that the whole system can be seen whether it's serverdown or similar problems from ansible servers, also known as openstack-independent (OSA) .} }