@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis web pada SMK Nurul Karomah}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47493/}, abstract={This application was built so that it can take advantage of the use of this application as an alternative media for delivering knowledge and learning media to overcome the problem of lack of conventional learning time allocation in the class of students of SMK Nurul Karomah. With this web-based learning application theolearning process becomes more effectiveoand efficient asothe division ofolearning materials by teachers that can be accessed anytime and anywhere by students of SMK Nurul Karomah. This learning application has several subjects that can be used as learning materials for students and there are also practice questions, assignments and grades that can be accessed by students. As for what you want to achieve includes designing a we-based information system that will be used at Smul Nurul Karonah as a learning media for students. Keywords : PHP,HTML, E-Learning, Website.} }