@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={PENGATURAN FREKUENSI PLTU VIA GOVERNOR BERBASIS PID-ANFIS UNTUK SPEED DROOP BERVARIASI}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47529/}, abstract={The Steam Power Plant (PLTU) system is a generating system consisting of a steam boiler, governor, steam turbine coupled with a generator. The governor unit as a frequency setting in the system, regulates the steam output that is pressurized from the steam boiler to drive the steam turbine in a rotation with a frequency of 50Hz and confirms the occurrence of deviations from the frequency in the system. Frequency deviations from the nominal value limit occur if the needs used by consumers are greater than the active power generated from the plant or the disturbance occurs in the system so that the frequency decreases. As the frequency decrease in the PLTU is 5% = 0.05 x 50 Hz = 2.5 Hz, the governor is said to be slow to respond to changes in frequency. In the PLTU study using PID control, the parameter values were obtained with Kp = 0.74 Ki = 0.44 Kd = 0.23 with the value of settling time = 4.4380 s, Overshoot = 0%, Peak Time = 4.438 s. testing with varied loads is able to maintain frequency stability along with changes in the load that occurs.} }