@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI RAPORT ONLINE BERBASIS WEB DI SD NEGERI KENEP}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47633/}, abstract={Abstract Currently at SD Kenep Elementary School has a problem, namely the distribution of report cards that are still manual, ie parents come to school to take physical report cards directly, which has several disadvantages including parents of students who cannot attend taking report cards directly. With the internet, you can now search for whatever you want so that you can make processing systems that have been manually worked on to be more efficient, and processing data will be better and more accurate. For now schools that use online report cards at the site are very rarely found at this time. And also access needs that are not limited by time and place because it can be accessed via a PC or Smartphone anywhere as long as the device is connected to the internet. With the background above, this online report card is made so that students and parents can make it easier to see the learning outcomes so far. This can minimize unwanted events. For example report cards are exposed to rain water which can damage the paper report cards. And with this online report card data that has been created will not be lost because all data has been backed up. With the success of this web-based online report card, it is expected that parents do not need to come to school to take physical report cards to make it easier for students to take notes at school. Keywords: System Information, Raport, Web} }