@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={PERAN KEPRIBADIAN BIG FIVE DAN RESILIENSI PADA PENYINTAS BENCANA ALAM GEMPA BUMI DAN TSUNAMI DI DONGGALA}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/47843/}, abstract={Some of symptoms that arise from imbalance of psychological functions on the survivors of natural disasters in Donggala are easilly to be shocked, feel sorry, blame others, blame themselves, grieve, often remember of past events, and nightmares . This conditions are requires resilience to be able to rise againts difficult conditions that faced by the survivors. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of big five personality on resilience of the survivors in Donggala. This research is a quantitative research with correlational design. The subject of this research was 100 survivors of earthquake and tsunami in Donggala. measuring instruments of this research is the scale of resilience and big five personality. Data analysis is using simple linear regression and the results show that a dimension of agreebleness (p=0.045), had an effect on resilience. while the extraversion dimension ( p = 0.407). and openness ( p = 0.946), concientiouness (p = 0.229), and neurotism (p = 0.342) have no effect on resilience.} }