@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA SELF ESTEEM DENGAN BODY IMAGE PADA PRAMUGARI}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/48081/}, abstract={Body image is very important as an individual's way of evaluating his body. Flight attendants are front liners of an airline, therefore all airlines have a standard where flight attendants must have a proportional body shape. Flight attendants also think the same as women in general, where body shapes such as face, skin color, hip size, chest size, calf, stomach, hair, eyes, chin, cheeks, nose etc. will be their special attention. A bad view of flight attendants towards body image will certainly be disturbing, because flight attendants should be able to develop other potential beyond their physical. Body image is influenced by several factors, one factor is self-esteem. This study aims to determine the relationship between body image and self-esteem on flight attendants. This research is in the form of quantitative correlational with a flight attendant population in Indonesia with domestic airline flight attendant samples taken using accidental sampling technique with a number of subjects as many as 100 subjects. The method of data collection in this study was the scale of the Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the scale of the MBSRQ-AS (Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire-Apperance Scale). The data analysis method used in this study is the Pearson correlation. The results of data analysis obtained the value of correlation coefficient of the two variables is r = 0.451 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01), this shows there is a positive relationship between self-esteem and body image. Keywords: body image, self-esteem, flight attendant} }