@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={DUKUNGAN SOSIAL DAN KECEMASAN PADA SISWA KELAS XII MENGHADAPI UTBK (UJIAN TULIS BERBASIS KOMPUTER)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/48386/}, abstract={There is a lot anxiety in facing an exam or test among high school students, especially for students of class XII who will take the UTBK test, the tight competition to enter state universities will certainly cause feelings of worry not accepted. Some of them experienced anxiety in the moderate and high category. One of the factors that can reduce anxiety about UTBK is the existence of social support from the surrounding environment, such as family, teachers, and peers. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between social support and anxiety in class XII students who would receive the UTBK test. This research is a quantitative correlation. The subject were 270 students of class XII who will receive UTBK tests from all over Indonesia taken with insidental sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study are two scales, the first scale is about concerning social support consisting of family social support, peers and teachers, and the second scale regarding anxiety. Method of data analysis used the pearson product moment correlation by using SPSS version 21.0. The result of the analysis state that the hypothesis is accepted, there is a negative relationship between social support and anxiety in class XII students who will join UTBK with a value of r = -0,112 and p value = 0,033 that is the higher the social support, the lower anxiety in class XII students who will join UTBK and vice versa.} }