@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={KELOLA STRES KERJA DENGAN BIJAK : STUDI TENTANG IKLIM ORGANISASI, PERILAKU INOVATIF, DAN PERAN MEDIASI STRES KERJA SEBAGAI MEDIATOR}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/48409/}, abstract={Innovative behavior in employees is one element that supports the sustainability of the company. Organizational climate and work stress are factors that can influence innovative relationships, besides work stress itself also has a mediating role in relationships that involve innovative behavior. This study aims to understand the direct relationship between organizational climate towards innovative behavior in employees, and indirect relationship to innovative organizations through the role of mediating work stress. The data used in this study is quantitative, with data collection methods using innovative work behavior scales, organizational climate questionnaires (OCQ) and work stress scales. The subjects of this study were 87 insurance agents. The results found showed there were differences between innovative organizations, both direct and indirect relationships through mediation work, and found the role of mediating partial stress work} }