@thesis{thesis, author={Ihsan Muhammad}, title ={KEKERASAN SIMBOLIK DALAM ACARA KOMEDI DI TELEVISI (Analisis Isi Program Acara Ngelenong Nyok di Trans TV)}, year={2008}, url={https://eprints.umm.ac.id/4844/}, abstract={The golden era of television, which is marked by high television stations increasingly restrict competition in presenting the program more attractive. Ironically, the shows presented are still full of elements of violence. Violence, which appears on the television screen, is not only the scenes of sadistic, but also through the symbolic (verbal and nonverbal). It is not only the impressions of the action movie or criminal, but also in a comedy program. The comedy is entertaining; it contains many elements of symbolic violence. Therefore, this is a phenomenon that researcher is interested to examine more about the violence in the symbolic "Ngelenong Nyok”. Problem formulation of this research is to know about the frequency of violence in a symbolic event "Ngelenong Nyok" with the scope of the entire scenes (acting and dialogue) that indicates symbolic violence in the episode five weeks to four months in February 2008, is running from Monday to Friday hours 08.0008.30 in the Trans TV. With the goal to find the frequency of occurrence, as well as forms of symbolic indicator of violence. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative. The research method used is content analysis. The draft of this content analysis deliberately made to calculate objectively and measurably of the real message of the (manifest content of messages). The results of this research shows that the appearance of symbolic violence with the frequency and the highest percentage that appear through the harassment category ranks first with 40 times the number of sexual emergence / porno, as many as 32 times the frequency of occurrence (27.82%, while the symbolic violence with stigmatisms have 22 times the appearance ( 19.13%) in the third position, fourth place with dysphemism symbolic violence, 19 times the appearance (16.52%), and the last is symbolic of violence with the association of animals with 2 times the frequency of occurrence (1.75%). From the appearance of a total of 115, the forms of symbolic violence by harassment appeared to dominate in the comedy program "Ngelenong Nyok." The author hopes that comedy programs produced by TV stations can be improved, and for the community to be more awake to the danger of the insensitive attitude to forms of violence. Comedy, which should be entertaining, was full of symbolic violence in it. Moreover, to see if the comedy is appointed from one of the cultural traditions of the region, where a cultural tradition that should be used as a building monument for generations in the future, but it can become even a destructive monument on the future generation that will come.} }