@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EMULGEL CITRONELLA OIL (Cymbopogon nardus L.) 2% DENGAN GELLING AGENT CARBOMER (Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Propionibacterium acnes secara In Vitro)}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.umm.ac.id/48471/}, abstract={Background : Citronella oil is the most active oil against Propionibacterium acnes. The main elements of chemistry are citronellal, geraniol, citronellol & mineral. The main target is to destroy the bacterial cell wall and damage the intracellular material of bacteria that can cause the death of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Goal : To determine the emulgel variation with carbomer base 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% containing 2% Citronella Oil on the growth of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria in vitro. Method : Conducted experimentally by comparing the effect of emulgel variations with base carbomers 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% containing 2% Citronella Oil. Created 3 formulas with 3x replication and seen organoleptic then followed by antibacterial testing of the well method. Result : The diameter of the inhibition zone of each formula has a mean of formula 1 was of 12.65 mm formula 2 was 11.58 mm and formula 3 was 10.25 mm. Based on these results, Citronella oil emulgel has a strong bacterial inhibition and there are significant differences. Conclusion : The effect of variations in emulgel on the basis of 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% carbomers containing 2% Citronella Oil on the growth of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria has significant difference which means that increasing carbomer levels it can significantly reduce the zone of antibacterial inhibition} }